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原则1:Rules are Meant to be Broken:规则是用来打破的!

The best product managers I have known are independent people who are passionate about their products and have deep conviction about how to make them succeed. Sometimes this means bending the rules, disregarding the advice of management, and ignoring conventional wisdom.This is important for progress.We must always look at things in new ways.For often, true innovation requires that we challenge the status quo in the creation of new products that deliver significantly more value to the customer than existing alternatives.  If we are fortunate, have done our homework, and are right in our conviction, we can even create an entirely new market.


Some successful examples of rule breakers include:


Henry Ford creating affordable automobiles:


In 1908, Henry Ford produced an automobile that was differentiated in one characteristic—it was the first “affordable” automobile.The price continued to drop each year and within ten years, 50 percent of cars in the United States were Ford Model Ts.

1908年,亨利·福特(Henry Ford)生产出了一款在一个特征上有所区别的汽车——它是第一款“买得起”的汽车。价格每年都在下降,十年内,美国50%的汽车是福特T型车。

Frederick Smith of FedEx and guaranteed overnight delivery of goods:


Fred Smith launched his overnight delivery service in April 1973 with a twenty-five-city network.On its first day, the company delivered 186 packages.Smith worked hard to grow the company’s volume and network, but also had to contend with a postal monopoly that prevented FedEx from delivering packages, and ill-suited airline regulations that first restricted the company to flying only small jets.The company struggled to have enough cash to survive during these early years. Federal Express became profitable in 1975 and was finally allowed to fly large jets in 1977 when air cargo was deregulated.  Today FedEx is a household brand with worldwide operations and its fleet travels nearly five hundred thousand miles per day.

1973年4月,弗雷德·史密斯(Fred Smith)在25个城市推出了他的隔夜递送服务网络。第一天,公司就交付了186个包裹。史密斯努力扩大公司的业务量和网络,但同时也不得不面对邮政垄断,联邦快递无法投递包裹的局面,以及不适合的航空条例,这个条例起初限制公司只能使用小型飞机。在早些的几年里,该公司一直在努力获得足够的现金以维持生存。1975年,联邦快递开始盈利,1977年,航空货运解除管制,联邦快递最终获准运营大型喷气式飞机。如今,联邦快递是一个家喻户晓的品牌,在世界各地都有业务,它的车队每天要行驶近50万英里。

Masura Ibuka of Sony and the transistor radio:


Although not the inventor of the transistor radio, Masura Ibuka saw its potential and seized upon the opportunity to license the technology from AT&T when they made it available in 1952. Ibuka and partner Akio Morita convinced Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to finance the $25,000 licensing fee and then went to work creating the first “pocket” radio under the Sony brand.Sony repeated a similar feat of miniaturization in 1978 when it introduced its Walkman line of portable cassette players.

虽然井深大不是晶体管收音机的发明者,但井深大看到了它的潜力,并抓住机会从AT&T那里获得许可,在1952年,AT&T将这项技术提供给了他。井深大和合作伙伴盛田昭夫(Akio Morita)说服日本国际贸易和工业部(MITI)为2.5万美元的许可费提供资金,然后着手创建索尼品牌的第一个“口袋”收音机。1978年,索尼(Sony)重现了类似的微型化壮举,推出了随身听(Walkman)系列随身听。

Each of the individuals above knew that the path to success would not be achieved by following the rules. Each also dealt with many setbacks.Ford did not succeed until his third company.His first company, Detroit Automobile Company, failed, and he left his second, which later became Cadillac, due to a disagreement with investors.The first Model T cars only came in black. Similarly with Sony, Ibuka’s first two radios were not commercially successful.His third attempt still had inferior sound quality to the tube radios of the day. Fred Smith overcame the rules of commerce including airline regulation and the US Postal Service’s monopoly.  What carried all three visionaries through these challenging times was the strength of their convictions and their relentless pursuit of customer value.

每个人都知道成功之路不可能通过遵循规则来实现。每一个都有很多挫折。福特直到他的第三家公司才取得成功。他的第一家公司底特律汽车公司(Detroit Automobile company)倒闭了,他离开了第二家公司,后者后来成为凯迪拉克(Cadillac),原因是与投资者意见不合。第一辆T型车只有黑色。索尼也一样,井深大的前两部收音机在商业上并不成功。在第三次尝试中,收音机的音质依然不如当时的电子管收音机。弗雷德•史密斯(Fred Smith)战胜了商业规则,包括航空监管和美国邮政服务(US Postal Service)的垄断。让这三位远见卓识的人在这个充满挑战的时代前行的,是他们坚定的信念和对客户价值的不懈追求。

Thus, believing in yourself is key and creating customer value is paramount. These two things are all that really matter.You must trust in yourself to have the strength necessary to deal with the adversity and setbacks that sit between product failure and product success.Further, only by creating customer value do we ensure the long-term viability of our respective companies.Generating profits and shareholder value are secondary.These are outcomes of delivering a product to the market that customers find valuable and better than the alternatives.  Each of the visionaries above understood this.



原则1:Rules are Meant to be Broken:规则是用来打破的!... 2

原则2:Work on Products You Are Passionate About:专注于你热爱的产品!... 6

原则3:Beware the “Requirements Death Spiral”:当心“需求死亡螺旋”!... 9

原则4:Think Like an Entrepreneur:像企业家一样思考... 14

原则5:Learn to Say “No” to Customers:学着对客户说“不” 18

原则6:Product Management Is Inherently Political:产品管理是与生俱来的政治... 22

原则7:There Is a Fine Line between Knowing It All and Bein:无所不知和无所不能之间有一条清晰的界线    26

原则8:Market Research Must Be Actionable:市场研究必须行动起来... 30

原则9:The Two-Week Rule:两星期规则... 34

原则10:Focus on the Needs of Your Market, Not Just Individ:专注于你的市场需求,而不仅仅是个体的需求    38

原则11:No Surprises:不要有惊喜... 42

原则12:Be Data-Driven by the Consumers of Your Product:通过你的产品的消费者数据驱动    46

原则13:90-360-3. 50

原则14:Creativity Opens Up More Possibilities:创造性开启更多可能... 54

原则15:Get Your Hands Dirty:亲力亲为... 58

原则16:Get Out of the Office:滚出办公室... 62

原则17:You Do Not Own Your Product:你并不拥有你的产品... 66

原则18:Carve Out “Think” Time:挤出思考时间... 70

原则20:Clarify Product Positioning:清晰产品定位... 75

原则21:Define and Align Your Roles and Responsibilities:定义你的角色和职责并形成共识    78

原则22:Write It Down:把它写下来... 82

原则23:Make Sure You Have Clear Priorities:确保你有清晰的优先级!... 86

原则24:Salespeople Don’t Just Want to Make Lots of Money:销售并不只是为了挣更多的钱!    90

原则25:Create a Culture of Openness:创建开放的文化... 94

原则26:Align Your Product Strategy With The Company Strate:让你的产品战略与公司战略保持一致    98

原则27:Short, Standardized Cycle Times Drive Predictabilit:短的,标准周期时间驱动预测!    103

原则28:Find Market Problems Worth Solving:发现值得解决的市场问题... 107

原则29:A Business Is Not a Democracy:商业无民主而言... 111

原则30:Agility Is Key to Product Management Success:敏捷性是产品管理成功的关键!    115

原则31:Tap Into Your Customers:接近你的客户!... 119

原则32:Determine Your Marketing Approach Early and Wisely:尽早和明智的确定你的营销方式    123

原则33:Let the Customer End the Debate:让客户结束争论!... 128

原则34:Differentiation Isn’t Enough, You Have to Be Better:差异化是不够的,你必须变得更好!    132

原则35:Act Like a Child:表现的像个孩子... 136

原则36:Decide What You Are Going to Do and Not Do:决定你要做什么,不要做什么!    140

原则37:Trust and Leadership Through Good Relationships:通过良好的关系建立信任和领导力    145

原则38:Great Execution Trumps a Great Product Idea:好的执行力胜过好的产品创意!    149

原则39:Be All You Can Be:做你能做的一切!... 154

原则40:I Can See Clearly Now-The Power of Transparency:我现在能看清一切——透明的力量    158

原则41:Always Be Learning:永远都要学习!... 162

原则42:These Are Our Rules-What Are Yours!这是我们的原则-你的呢! 


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