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RULE 1 If product managers don’t do their jobs, the other departments will fill the void. 如果产品经理不做好自己的工作,其他部门就会填补空缺

When I first worked as a product manager, I wasn’t all that sure what I was supposed to do. So I waited for everyone else—Engineering, QA, Tech Writing, Marketing, Sales Support, Customer Service—to stake their claims; then I ran around filling in the gaps. At the time, this struck me as a quite handy and pragmatic way to define my job. But it was a bad idea—and not just because I got stuck with all the stuff no one else wanted to do. As it turns out, products end up being better if someone truly owns the entire thing.


As so often happened during the course of my long career, I learned the hard way that good product managers aren’t just pragmatic, they’re proactive. They don’t just sit around waiting to see what everyone else does; they make it clear up front what their role is. And then they fill that role, rather than the gaps.


Here are just a few of the things that can happen when product managers don’t fill their roles:


If you don’t provide clear and supported input to the process, the engineers will develop what they please. It’s your responsibility to talk to your customers (and your prospects), check out the competition, listen to the analysts, learn about your industry, learn about your customers’ industries, find out what your sales engineers and customer support reps are encountering, look at those RFPs, and glean market intelligence. And it’s your responsibility to translate all this “stuff” into product requirements that you communicate to your engineers.


Yes, there will be things that your developers come up with on their own—and a lot of it will be great. But you need to be the driving force behind what goes into that product, or you could end up with a magnificently engineered product that nobody wants or needs.


If you don’t provide clear direction about your target customers, Sales will go wherever they please. Your products should be built with some particular use and customer in mind…shouldn’t they? Please let Sales know.


Even if your products are entirely horizontal— every company can use a database and a word processor—products need to be targeted to specific customers and/or buyers. You may also have a product that’s better suited for certainsized companies or specific geographies. There may  be good reasons to target industries as well. (If you’re selling to later adopters, for example, Get-a-Life Insurance is more apt to buy if One Life-to-Live Insurance is on your customer list.)

即使您的产品是完全水平的——每个公司都可以使用数据库和文字处理程序——产品也需要针对特定的客户和/或购买者。你也可能有更适合特定规模公司或特定地区的产品。或许也有很好的理由将目标瞄准行业。(例如,如果你要卖给后来的接受者,如果你的客户名单上有一份One Life-to-Live保险,那么Get-a-Life保险就更易于购买。)

The point is, you need to send Sales where they stand the best chance of winning. Even if you have the most generic product, you have to start somewhere. Pick that somewhere wisely, or Sales will pick it for you. And, in the short run, they’re not necessarily going to choose wisely (i.e. in support of your long-run strategy). Sure, they may make a sale or two, but it may not end up being a good thing for your product or your company.


While we’re on the subject of sales, if you don’t establish pricing, Sales will make it up. You absolutely need to listen to what Sales has to say on the matter. But it’s up to you to determine pricing that will work, that’s commensurate with the value provided, that’s not out-of-whack with the competition, and that is what the market can bear. If not, you’ll be in the wonderful world of having your sales team cannily figuring out what the prospects have in their wallets, and then establishing that as the price du jour—or just low-balling and overpromising to get the deal. (Just watch out when customers get together and compare notes.)


If you don’t provide clear direction about target customers and the right message for them, Marcom will go wherever they please and say whatever they want. Like Sales, if you’re not providing guidance to Marcom about target customers, they will come up with it on their own. Their programs may make spectacular sense; they may not. It’s best not to leave things to chance.


Similarly, if Marcom doesn’t know what the product is and does, they will come up with their own story. Again, their story may make spectacular sense; it may not. Again, it’s best not to leave things to chance. I worked for a company that was teetering, very publicly, on the brink of bankruptcy. One day, I saw a banner ad for one of our services. The ad touted our financial stability. I immediately called the ad person in Marcom and pointed out that this wasn’t exactly our strong suit. “But that’s what our buyers are most interested in,” she told me.


I could go on about how important this rule is, but by now you get it. And you were likely well ahead of me in getting it.


Of all of the Pragmatic Marketing rules, I find this the most important. And that’s not because those who will be filling whatever void you leave are evil and must be stopped. (Hey, you may even want, need, appreciate their suggestions and advice.) But, if engineers are figuring out what’s in the product all on their lonesome… if Sales is pulling prices out of their ear on the way to a call…if Marketing is claiming that your product solves world peace when it’s really designed for warmongers—they’re all trying to do something that is neither their expertise nor their responsibility. That responsibility is yours. Take it and use it.



RULE 1 If product managers don’t do their jobs, the other departments will fill the void. 如果产品经理不做好自己的工作,其他部门就会填补空缺... 2

RULE 2 An outside-in approach increases the likelihood of product success. 由外向内的方法增加了产品成功的可能性... 7

RULE 3 Time spent on the  strategic reduces time  wasted on the tactical.花在战略上的时间减少了浪费在战术上的时间... 10

RULE 4 In the absence of market facts, he who owns the compiler wins 在缺乏市场事实的情况下,谁拥有编译器谁就是赢家... 13

RULE 5:Product Management determines the go-to-market strategy; Marcom executes the strategy 产品管理决定产品进入市场的战略;传播人员执行这个策略... 16

RULE 6:Product Management should help sales channels, not individual salespeople. 产品管理应该帮助销售渠道,而不是单个的销售人员。... 18

RULE 7:Be able to articulate your distinctive competence. 能够清晰地表达你产品的独特能力。    18

RULE 8:Your opinion, although interesting, is irrelevant 你的观点虽然有趣,但无关紧要    18

RULE 9:The building is full of product experts. Your company needs market expert 大楼里到处都是产品专家。贵公司需要市场专家... 18

RULE 10:Find market segments that value your distinctive competence 找到那些重视你独特能力的细分市场    18

RULE 11:Don’t expect your sales channel to conduct win/loss analysis 不要期望你的销售渠道去做盈亏分析    18

RULE 12:The answer to most of your questions is not in the building 你大部分问题的答案都不在大楼里    18

RULE 13:Every “product” needs a product manager and a business case 每个“产品”都需要一个产品经理和一个商业案例... 18

RULE 14:Look for opportunities to deliver the remarkable 寻找机会实现卓越... 18

RULE 15:With positioning, the focus is on what we do for the buyers 对于定位,重点是我们为买家做什么    18

RULE 16:Positioning should be complete before you start developing 在开始开发之前,定位应该完成    18

RULE 17:You need a positioning document for each type of buyer  你需要为每种类型的购买者做一个定位文档... 18

RULE 18:Name the product  after positioning is finished  定位完成后再给产品命名... 18

RULE 19:Provide collateral, tools, and programs to support each step in the sales cycle  提供材料、工具和方案来支持销售周期中的每一步... 18

RULE 20:The market-driven  product manager should be the final authority on what goes into the product  市场驱动的产品经理应该是产品的最终权威 


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