首页 > 译 文 > 【读后感】这么说吧,国内大部分企业对产品经理的培养就和闹着玩一样(附麦肯锡研究文章)


昨天发了《【报告】这些令人惊讶的变化和趋势,产品经理们在2021年感受到了吗?》这篇文章,其中提到了麦肯锡的MPMI(McKinsey Product Management Index,麦肯锡产品管理指数),其中就说到麦肯锡认为产品经理需要具备五个核心竞争力:商业头脑;市场导向;软能力;技术能力;以客户体验为基础。

有妹子留言问是否有麦肯锡的这篇文章,我说找找,找到了就分享,果然让我找到了,这篇文章的标题是《The product management talent dilemma》(产品管理人才的困境),主要讲企业如何打造有竞争力的产品经理,然后就是翻译阅读,看完以后,感触颇深,因此就决定先写个读后感。










The product management talent dilemma

Despite product managers’ central roles in software organizations, they are often neglected from a talent-management perspective. Four levers can address this industry-wide challenge.


Product management remains one of the most critical roles for any company for which software is a core growth driver. Amid the growing importance of data in decision making, an increased customer and design focus, and the evolution of software-development methodologies, the role of the product manager has evolved to influence every aspect of making a product successful. As a result, CEOs and technology leaders often identify the role of product manager as one of their top talent priorities. Paradoxically, results from the McKinsey Product Management Index reveal that companies are underinvesting in this crucial talent pool.

对于那些以软件为核心增长驱动力的公司来说,产品管理仍然是最关键的角色之一。随着数据在决策中的重要性越来越大,越来越关注客户和设计,以及软件开发方法的发展,产品经理的角色已经演变到影响产品成功的各个方面。因此,首席执行官和技术领导者经常把产品经理的角色确定为他们最优先考虑的人才之一。矛盾的是,麦肯锡产品管理指数(McKinsey Product Management Index)的结果显示,企业对这一至关重要的人才库投资不足。

The McKinsey Product Management Index is a survey of product managers at leading software companies to understand the capabilities and enablers that create top-performing product managers (Exhibit 1). This research surfaced systemic gaps around software-talent management; in fact, fewer than half of the product managers feel prepared to play the roles expected of them or grow into future product leaders.

麦肯锡产品管理指数(McKinsey Product Management Index)是一项针对领先软件公司的产品经理的调查,旨在了解创造顶级产品经理的能力和促成因素(图1)。这项研究揭示了软件人才管理方面的系统性差距;事实上,只有不到一半的产品经理觉得自己已经准备好扮演他们所期望的角色,或者成长为未来的产品领导者。


Five core capabilities,supported by an effective operating model,creat the conditions for top-performing product managers.


Business acumen:Comfort with business strategy,porfolio prioritization,go-to-market,pricing,and tracking key performance indicator and financial metrics


Market orientation:Ability to deeply understand market trends,partner ecosystems,and competitive strategies


Soft skills:Ability to lead teams,communicat with diverse groups,and influence change throughout the organization


Technica skills:Ability to go deep on technoloay trends,architectural questions,stack control points,road maps,and managing the development life cycle


Customer-experience grounding:Ability to design customer-centric experiences throughout the customer decision journey


Product managers spend time across a range of critical areas and influence every part of the product


The McKinsey Product Management Index highlights the wide range of activities that demand the attention of product managers. The days and weeks of an average product manager are fragmented, which requires they be good at wearing multiple hats and prioritizing ruthlessly (Exhibit 2).



Product managers must easily change gears and ruthlessly prioritize to support a vast number and range of activtities


Defining product strategy:定义产品战略:18%

Engaging with customers and partners:与客户和合作伙伴沟通:12%

Reviewing metrics:评估指标:8%

Researching market and competition:研究市场和竞争:4%

Pricing and packaging:定价和包装:2%

Coaching,team management,recruiting:指导,团队管理,招聘:5%

Planning and maintaining the road map:规划和维护路线图:10%

Collaborating with other functions:与其它职能部门协作:12%

Defining product requirements:定义产品需求:14%

Collaborating with techinical and design functions:与技术和设计部门协作:15%

Modern product managers are involved in a wide range of decisions. For example, nearly 80 percent of product managers actively participate in design activities, over 80 percent are involved in go-to-market decisions, and nearly half are involved in pricing decisions. Additionally, 60 percent of product managers have basic analytics skills that enable them to dive into metrics and draw insights without relying on analysts.


Talent management is a pervasive gap


Despite the central role that a product manager plays, the talent-management practices associated with this function are surprisingly underdeveloped. This gap is evident across the industry—at large software companies in Silicon Valley, early-stage tech companies, and incumbents in other industries that are becoming more software oriented.


As an example, only 35 percent of the product managers have clarity on what it would take to advance in their organizations, roughly the same number feel sufficiently coached and mentored and around 20 percent say that their companies have highly effective programs to identify and retain the best talent.


We observe several underlying drivers for this gap in talent development. First, there are limited roles that involve managing people and teams in the product organization, and unlike in engineering, companies have not consistently defined an expert track for product managers. This can prevent product managers from growing or feeling that their careers are progressing unless they are managing more people.


Additionally, the leadership development model for product management—that is, the behaviors and mind-sets that product managers are expected to display at various levels—is often poorly articulated. As a result, the only way to measure product managers is on the success of their product. Product managers tell us that they believe career progression at their companies is a matter of being in the right place at the right time to become part of a hit product rather than of doing the right things.


What is more, product management primarily requires learning on the job, but few software companies have put in place mechanisms to support this learning. Product managers often start in other functions, such as engineering, design, or marketing, and bring a specific set of skills from their previous roles. But this transitioning talent needs support to wear the multiple hats required of product managers.


Compounding the issue is the fact that product managers make up a small talent pool at most companies and hence often end up lower on the agenda of HR leaders.


Several elements can help companies build a world-class product management talent program


There are four key levers to pull to build a world-class program for product management talent.


First, articulate the product management leadership development model for the organization. This should include a concrete, actionable description of what the organization wants and expects from its product managers. It should reflect the organization’s strategy and priorities and is not the same as the conventional list of competencies used to assess employees. For example, competency models are often expressed as innate traits, qualities, or values that product managers should have, such as “is decisive,” whereas a leadership model is expressed as concrete descriptions of desired behaviors, such as “acts to reach timely closure on decisions.” The leadership model should also articulate what it looks like to make different transitions in the organization. For example, how do the behaviors and mind-sets differ for an established, principal product manager from one who is transitioning to a director of product.


Second, provide the product managers with organizational enablers for ongoing growth and apprenticeship. There are many ways to do this, including rotational programs, regular cadence of product reviews (with focus on coaching and knowledge sharing rather than inspection), walking in the shoes of other functions (taking support calls or doing customer demonstrations, for example), conducting skip-level one-on-one sessions, providing formal mentorship programs, giving regular growth-based feedback, and so on.


Third, leverage a field-and-forum approach to design an end-to-end learning journey. There are several principles and approaches for learning programs that we have discovered through our work with technology companies. The first is that product managers, like most adults, learn best by doing rather than by watching videos or sitting in classrooms. Additionally, product managers learn most effectively through activities that are grounded in their day-to-day context rather than through generic product management trainings. For example, we have run a product management academy program in which product managers take on ambitious projects and are coached through them on a weekly basis (Exhibit 3). It is important to note that these learning programs must be tailored to the different transitions that are critical for the individual organization. Additionally, it is important to put hard metrics on the “soft stuff” by tracking key performance indicators for these programs that measure both participation and subsequent effectiveness.



Preparation:1 month


Participants train online for up to 20 hours on problem solving,communlcation skills,and functional knowledge


Boot camp1:2 days


Participants convene in work-shop focused on problem solving,market research/industry analysis,and customer insights,then receive assigned project work and coaches


Fieldwork:7 weeks


This exercise requires 20-30% of participants's time and includes projects representing key business problems solved by each participant team,guided by a coach/adviser


Boot camp:2 days


Midway through fieldwork,participants reconvence to share preliminary finding and attend additional workshops focused on customer value propositino/ product design and financial analysis


Fieldwork:5 weeks


This exercise requires 20-30% of participants time and includes projects representing key business problems solved by each participant team,guided by a coach/adviser


Graduation:1.5 days


Participants present project findings and recommendations to executives




Some successful participants will become coaches/advisers in the next round,which includes an implications workshop to eusure necessary nontraining-related changes are addressed


Last, hiring should be a strategic priority for senior leadership. At best-in-class software companies, senior product managers often report spending 3 to 5 percent of their time (equivalent to a half day to a full day per month) on recruiting. Doing recruiting well includes getting three elements right:

最后,招聘应该是高层领导的战略重点。在一流的软件公司,高级产品经理通常会花费3 - 5%的时间(相当于每个月半天到一整天)来招聘员工。做好招聘工作包括三个方面:

1、identifying and articulating the organizations’ unique value proposition for product managers


2、leveraging diverse sourcing channels (using online communities like Hacker News, sponsoring meet-ups, identifying internal talent in other functions that are likely to produce product managers, and making “acqui-hires,” for example)

利用多样化的来源渠道(例如,利用Hacker News这样的在线社区、赞助会面、发现其他职能部门的内部人才,这些人才可能会产生产品经理,并进行“人才收购”)

3、a recruiting process that is efficient, removes unconscious biases, and tests real-life skills (through cases, actual presentations on product ideas, analyses using real product data, interactions across functions to test the ability to work with engineering and design, for example)


Product management is one of the most critical talent pools for any company that is writing software but often does not get the right level of attention. Having a world-class product management function requires a multipronged approach under a holistic talent-management program. We recommend that this be a joint priority of the chief HR officer and the head of product.


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